for 2005.
We're now into late June / Early July, and what a cracking start to the year. First earlies went into the ground beginning of April, and Runner beans (Scarlet Lady variety this year) went in by mid April. BIG MISTAKE. End of April we have not one, but two frosts. Killed of the Runner beans, and set the potatoes back by about 3 weeks. Not deterred by this, we planted more Runner beans about 1-2 weeks later (same variety). AGAIN, BIG MISTAKE. One cold night (wasn't frosty, but Runner beans hate the cold), and they'd died again. On the verge of giving up with these beans, I acquired some from my father-in-law (he owns 2 plots near to where he lives). After much debating about planting them , they finally went in about mid May.
By late May, everything had been sown -
Carrots (Autumn King)
Parsnip (The Student)
Beetroot (Boltardy)
Lettuce (Mixed Leave Variety)
Leek (Musselburgh)
More Carrots (Sugarsnax - trying out this year)
Turnip (Purple Top Milan)
Swede (Angela)
Strawberry (Early and mid crop)
Tomatoes (Make unknown)
Peas (Kelvedon Wonder)
Radish (Cherry Radish)
Runner Beans (no idea of the make....see the notes above about how I got them)
Mustn't forget my son's Sunflowers
Well, now late December 2005, and most of the vegetables have been harvested. Some good results, and some not so good.
Carrots - a good crop with minimal attack by carrot fly. Only the Sugarsnax variety failed to impress.
Parsnips - What a disaster - All fanged very badly. Some even went to seed. Having posted a question on http://www.allotments-uk.com , it seems I may have got soil that wasn't fine enough for them. Have to dig it over better next year.
Beetroot - NONE WHATSOEVER. Just died off.
Lettuce - So many, I ended up giving them away, and putting them on my compost heap
Leek - 2 out of a sum of 6 planted
Turnip - Same as beetroot
Swede - Also same as beetroot
Strawberrys - Enough to keep us all going well into summer
Tomatoes - a far few, the the plants suffered blight. Had to remove them quick before the potatoes were affected
Peas - A suitable harvest for the amount planted. Not planting them next year as they take up to much room, and the yields aren't always that good
Radish - Plenty. Giving these away as well
Runner beans - Anybody want some ? Got at least two carrier bags full in the freezer