vegetable growing page.
This page is dedicated solely to my son, Aaron, who asked in 2006 if he could have his own plot of land to grow some vegetables on. Here's how he's getting on...
Vegetable wise, he's grown mainly the same as me, although not as much. So far it would seem he's doing very well. Check out how well by clicking on any of the pictures below.
Having only a small plot (about 6ft x 4ft in size), he's done remarkably well. Had some strawberries, as well as a good crop of carrots and Swedes. Think sunflowers have been the best thing grown this year, due to the size some of them got.
2007 - The format has changed. Thought I'd let Aaron tell you how he's doing, rather than me. Think of this as more of a blogsite, than a webpage.....
Growing this year, he has -
2 potato plants (early crop)
Carrots (Autumn King)
Spring Onions (White Lisbon)
Beetroot (Pronto and Boltardy)
Turnip (Snowball)
Radish (Scarlet Globe)
Cabbage (not sure of the variety - he got them from a friend)
Onion - White ones, can't remember the name
Middle of April - I've got things starting to show through. Potatoes are doing well.
Early June - Plenty of beetroot showing, as are the carrots. Cabbage are all ready for eating, and spring onions are looking good.
Late July (almost August) - I've dug up all my potatoes, and my
carrots as well. This is because of the awful weather we have had recently. It
has rained a lot, and caused the carrots to split, and the slugs to start
attacking the potatoes. I had a big beetroot (about the size of a small
football), but my mum said this would probably taste too woody, as it has got to
big. I've got sunflowers growing everywhere. I may get my picture put in the
FOCUS (our local weekly free rag - stu), as one of my sunflowers has got very
tall (although not as tall as my one I grew myself back in 2004 - see
Late October, almost November - only thing left in the ground is my strawberry plants. I'm slowly helping my dad build the paths, but digging isn't really much fun. Can't wait until next year.